BREAKING: Children of Fire initiative burns military points in 4 Turkish cities


In a written statement, the Children of Fire initiative drew attention to the rising rates of rape in Kurdsitan, being comitted by Turkish soldiers, and the martyrdom of Lawyer Ebru Timtik who was immortalised on day 238 of her hunger strike against injustice. The Initiaitve stated: “the time for revenge has come.”

Stating that a “Turkish” warehouse was burned in Çanakkale on 27 August, the Initiative noted that on August 28 a military barracks in Tekirdağ was burned “in retaliation for the rape by Turkish soldiers in Kurdistan.”

According to the statement, while a truck was burned to ashes in Bursa the same day, the artillery barracks were set on fire in Izmir on August 29 the next day.

On August 29, it was also emphasized that a large field was set on fire in Çanakkale’s Biga district.