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HABER MERKEZİ İpek’in yaşamını yitirmesi sonrası sosyal medyada gösterilen tepkiler üzerine Musa Orhan hakkında tutuklama kararı çıkarıldı. 19 Ağustos günü tutuklanan Musa Orhan yüzlerce tecavüzcü...
ÖZEL DOSYA – Cenga Heftanîn direnişinin gençlere anlattıkları ve ‘Bi Hev Re Serhildan’ hamlesinde gençlik
HABER MERKEZİ – 2 ayı aşkın bir süredir işgalci Türk devletinin tüm teknik imkanlarıyla saldırıda bulunduğu Heftanîn’de Kürdistan özgürlük gerillasının görkemli direnişi ve Avrupa Kürt...
BREAKING: Martyr Zerdeşt Che revenge units hit Turkish police in Wan
CENTRAL NEWS A revenge unit of the DGH and DGK-H movements carried out an action against a police station in the Süphan neighborhood of Wan’s Edremit...
Womens Civil Defence Units hit Erdogan’s collaborators in Amed and Adiyaman
CENTRAL NEWS Retaliation Teams of YPS-JIN reported that they have carried out actions in Amed and Adıyaman within the scope of the “revenge against colonists...
Bi Hev Re Serhildan: Internationalist youth hold meeting in Germany
GERMANY Dozens of internationalists took part in a meeting in Germany to develop their community relations as well as improve their participation in the Bi...
BREAKING: Gerilla TV Share footage of HPG action in Zagros
CENTRAL NEWS HPG Press Center shared that within the scope of the Martyr Bager and Martyr Ronya Revolutionary Campaign, the guerrilla forces targeted the Gemanê...
Special operations pigs kill civilian in Antakya road rage
CENTRAL NEWS In Antakya’s Kavaslı Neighborhood, the shopkeepers who intervened and tried to stop a fight were attacked by terrorist special operations police. Tradesman Mustafa...
BREAKING: HPG guerrillas hit invading Turkish soldiers from 5 metre distance!
CENTRAL NEWS HPG (People’s Protection Forces) Press Office made a written statement regarding the actions carried out by the guerrillas and the attacks of the...
10-Year-Old struggles to get an abortion after being raped by her uncle
CENTRAL NEWS A ten-year-old who became pregnant after being raped by her uncle had her pregnancy terminated on 17th of August, in Pernambuco, after judicial...
EXCLUSIVE: Kurdish youth in Switzerland on ‘Bi Hev Re Serhildan’ and the Heftanin resistance
CENTRAL NEWS The glorious resistance of the Kurdistan freedom guerrilla in Heftanîn, where the occupying Turkish state has been attacking with all technical means for...